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Traveling to: The Kingdom Of Morocco

Updated: Oct 27, 2024

A Blog for the Digital Nomad or Student traveling To Morocco.

Kaylee,SWK,in morocco at volubilis
Picture of Kaylee Running through the ancient Roman City of Volubilis, near Meknes-Morocco. Taken by a tour guide.

So, you're going to Morocco soon? Or maybe you're thinking about traveling there? Here is some advise I can give to you!

Hi, I'm Kaylee Tindle. I'm what you call a digital nomad. I lived in Morocco for 5 months in 2018, and it was quite the interesting experience! In this blog, I'm going to honestly talk to you about my time there! By the end of this blog, I'll also be giving you some tips and tricks on how to travel to, and through Morocco for dirt cheap, as that digital nomad or student living there!

First, The Kingdom of Morocco, is located in the northern continent of Africa, a 2 hour ferry ride underneath the country of Spain. Morocco borders the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, it's distinguished by its Berber, Arabian and European cultural influences.

-Map is as seen in Google Maps-

Morocco on goolge maps
Where Morocco is on the map

In matters of it's politics, The Kingdom of Morocco, has a Constitutional Monarchy which falls under a Parlimentary System. It is predominately a Sunni muslim country where modesty is the best policy. More than 99 percent of the population is Sunni Muslim, and less than 0.1 percent of the population is Shia Muslim (as mentioned from the U.S. Department of State's website).

While living there, I quickly noticed the dominant languages were French, Arabic, and Berber. While some spoke Spanish and only a few others spoke English. I was actively studying Arabic during this time, but no class was ever structured enough to prepare me for the language barrier I experinced in Morocco. "Moroccan Arabic is the hardest Arabic there is, no one east of Egypt can understand Moroccans fully." Is what an old professor said to me once. So, to give you a side note, if you are a student reading this and you are soon to go on a Moroccan language/college program-It will come in handy, if you also know some French.

Morocco was a French Colony between the years 1912-1956 (Read about "french morocco" here). While living there, the locals I could communicate with, would often get upset when asked about this. "The French left us with nothing!" one said to me, "Wish we would have been a British colony-at least the British build things, and then leave!" another said sarcastically. Yikes, but hey in a strong way they were correct. Morocco is a third world country. The rate of development is incredibly low, the rate of poverty is extremely high, the infastruture is scarce, there does tend to be political instability, and the education is poor. Some of the locals sometimes blamed the French for this, within conversation, but the French did leave in '56...

Living there as a digital nomad, would honestly prove to be a challenge, if you have never been to a third world country before, or you have not traveled internationally before. Personally, I was in the US Army before this experience and I do have a deployment under my belt. So, it wasn't hard to remember to keep my guard up. However, some people when traveling to Morocco often have a "disney-like" fantasy. It's very possible to have a great time in Morocco and have dreamy "arabian nights" with a loved one, but letting your guard down anywhere you travel to can be a fatal mistake (Moroccan man decapitates woman in ifrane). The awful crime I linked in the parentheses, actually happened while I was there in Ifrane. Wherever you travel to in the world, it's always best to remain vigilant.

In addition to living in Morocco as a digital nomad, you will find yourself learning valuable life skills. Skills such as: the charismatic power of learning to haggle and negotiate with the merchants, learning to stick up for yourself and to stand your ground, and further development of situational awreness. The merchants of Morocco, whether you are walking through the Spanish city of Ceuta, or the red city of Marrakesh; are incredbily pushy. They will at times try to grab women, and follow you. Heck-one guy even spit on me just because I didn't want to sit down at his restaurant-that didn't end well for him and the local police had step in. You must also becareful walking around cities in Morocco, as local parents teach their children how to pick-pocket tourists.

Now that some of the ugly is out of the way! Let's talk about how Morocco is known for it's beautiful architecture...

-I took this picture in Casablanca and made the edits.

Tall door and archway in Morocco
Kaylee in Casablanca

You'll spot Islamic Moroccan architecture almost everywhere, from the dazzling domes and towers to the elaborate mosques, palaces, and plazas. Some famous examples include Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, one of the largest mosques in the world. The towering minaret soars 210 metres into the sky (Read about it here). Traveling through Morocco as a digital nomad, I was able to realize very quickly, all the extravagant doors and archways Morocco has. I ended up learning that all of these beautiful doors actually have incredible significance! All of these doors reflect the Islamic virtue of humility, the height of the doors requires a person to bow their heads as they enter the house, thus offering respect to the owner (Read more on that here).

-Random picture I took walking through an alleyway

cute door in Morocco alleyway
Kaylee takes picture of beautiful doorway in Morocco

Even now, as I continue to travel the world, it is easy to spot beautiful designs that are Moroccan inspired! Moroccan designs and architecture, I'm confident to say, remains a favorite throughout human history and even in modern times.

Traveling through the red city of Marrakech was a lively venture.

-Marrakech is the bustling heart of Morocco. | Steve Photography/Shutterstock (pic source here)

the red city of Morocco

Marrakech, is where I had my first experience with henna! But it is here, where I have to warn you about something else, DO NOT get black henna. The black henna I ended up getting up my left forearm, gave what seem to be a slight chemical burn. Once the black chipped off, it left scars and it was painful. It was after this experince that I discovered black henna is not actually real henna, the chemicals within it are not natural and it can harm your skin.

black henna in morocco
Kaylee takes a selfie with black henna, don't get the black henna

The extra ingredient used to blacken henna is often a coal-tar hair dye containing p-phenylenediamine (PPD), an ingredient that can cause dangerous skin reactions in some people (read that here).

The merchants in Marrakech are arguably the worst. Even the women here will grab you to do these henna projects, and try charging you 100's of dollars. So, do not let anyone grab you to sit down anywhere. Just keep walking.

If you were to ask me what my favorite thing about Morocco was...I would have to say the ancient history that is still alive and well there, and it's, ALL OVER THE PLACE.

Volubilis was incredble! Volubilis is a partly-excavated Berber-Roman city in Morocco situated near the city of Meknes that may have been the capital of the Kingdom of Mauretania, at least from the time of King Juba II. Before Volubilis, the capital of the kingdom may have been at Gilda (More on that here).

It was my first ancient ruin citing before seeing others during future travels. But Volubilis was something special. It's all out in the open, I was able to run through it, touch the stones, and I even came across a floor of what was once someones home-that depicted the story of hercules...STILL IN COLOR and I have a great picture of it!

hercules in morocco
Kaylee takes picture of the story of Hercules in Volubilis

south gate of ancient roman city in Morocco
Kaylees takes picture near the South gate of Volubilis

Now THAT experience for me was unforgettable. Another great thing I liked about Morocco, was all of the scenic routes you come across on nature hikes. You can take these with a tour guide, through Ifrane. It's also where you get the chance to meet with monkeys! The monkey's however will take anything off of you that they can, so make sure all pockets are empty and you have everything more secure, like in a backpack.

Monkeys in Morocco, Ifrane
Kaylee getting picture taken with a Monkey while hiking through Ifrane

The scenic route the tour guide took us on, made me really learn to appreciate the beauty of Africa that no one in the western world talks about.

Ifrane, Morocco while hiking
Kaylee takes a picture of a great view while hiking in Ifrane

Getting around in everyday life however, is exhausting in Morocco. Whether on a tour bus (recommended) or by car, going from one region to the next takes hours. There are train systems availble but I learned while living there, that it's quite the gamble to hop on (Morocco's Deadly Train Accident). The worst train delrailment since 1993 happned while I was living there and traveling through Rabat, guess it's a good thing I didn't take the train that day! As far as getting rides around town, there is no uber or lyft in Morocco, so you will need to utilize the taxi services or you will need to walk. A lot of times you will find yourself haggling with the taxi drivers as well about the price of the ride. As far as getting from one region to another and going to a different major city, it is best to higher a legitamate tour guide and bus service. I will link reliable ones down below at the end of the blog.

girl in Morocco
Kaylee in Casablanca

Nightlife in Morocco doesn't truly exist. As someone who does like to partake in, and relax inside hookah lounges from time to time, I ended up discovering hookah is not actually allowed and is considered illegal. Apparently, "kids were smoking Kif in the cafes so sheesha (hooka) was declared illegal in public places." As some locals explained to me. So, in order to find the hookah bars you have to know someone, who knows the place, which is typically hidden in forgotten alleyways, or beneath hotels. Becareful agreeing to a local taking you there, you may have to pay them for it.

Food in Morocco is truly unique. Morocco is well known for being the best food in Northern Africa, and is also well known for the tagine. The tagine has a unique taste of popular spices such as saffron, cumin, cinnamon, ginger, and cilantro, as well as ground red pepper. It's a clay pot, and a tagine's cooking method mostly relies on slow cooking and keeping the food moist. When buying a tagine for yourself make sure it's one for cooking and not actually for decoration. You DO NOT want to cook food inside of a tagine that is more so painted to look cute in your home. While traveling through Fez, Morocco I had the opportunity to eat a Camel Burger, and it was delicious! The restaurant is called Cafe Clock (more about it here). Don't knock it until you try it! They have quite the menu to choose from, but I wasn't going to leave Fez, Morocco without eating something most people would consider to be out of the ordinary.

Tagine a Moroccan dish
Picture of a Tagine

Fez, Morocco is notable because of the 14th century tannery that is still there, and in operation. Chouara Tannery (it's sometimes spelled Chouwara) is one of the three tanneries in the city of Fez, Morocco. It is the largest tannery in the city and one of the oldest. It is located in Fes el Bali, the oldest medina quarter of the city (more about it here).

However, I didn't feel comfortable purchasing anything from the tannery, as this area has a large problem with child labor (see more on that here).

tannery in fez Morocco
Kaylee takes picure of a tannery in Fez

Getting a hotel in Morocco, isn't a problem for single people, so as long as you stay in one of the major cities such as: Casablanca, Agadir, Tangier, or Marrakech. HOWEVER, anywhere else in between, hotels in Morocco do not accept single people especially single women. You must be married and checking-in with a husband. If you are traveling with a special sigificant other to Morocco, you should be aware of the laws prohobiting public effection (you can read more about that here). Morocco has laws relating to those things that are, “an act of aggression against Moroccan Muslim society and people” – kissing in public falls into this category.

One of the most humbling experinces I had in Morocco was visiting one of the Berber villages. The Berbers live in scattered communities across Morocco. The Berbers are a diverse grouping of distinct ethnic groups that are indigenous to North Africa. They actually predate the arrival of Arabs in the Arab migrations to the al-Maghreb (which means Morocco, in the Arabic language). The Berber people live incredibly close to nature. The culture and traditions within each Berber community is very tribal and will differ from region to region. Their day to day life is actually quite nomadic; with men taking care of the livestock and women taking care of the family and handicrafts (read more about that here).

Berber women are quite unique and you will know when you see one while traveling through Morocco, as Berber women have tribal tattoos down their chins, and other parts of their faces. In Berber culture the act of tattooing has also long been a stamp of cultural identity and womanhood: the different etchings symbolise a woman's marital status, fertility and tribe. The men in Berber culture do not get tattoos (Read more and see pictures here). Unfortunately, the rich culture of the Berber people, has been slowly dying through the years due to modern day Islamic influences.

A well known berber village in Morocco
Kaylee takes picture of a Berber village

I highly recommend to have a tour guide throughout your time in Morocco, because if it wasn't for having that guide, I probably would have never been able to see the Cave of Hercules. Yes, the Cave of Hercules is a real place that you can visit and the stories you hear about it are pretty cool. To be able to say I went there, is definately something im proud to brag about. Cape Spartel & the Hercules Caves are a great day trip option if you're visiting the city of Tangier for a few days (More on that here).

girl in casablanca
Kaylee in Casablanca


Are You Prepared To Travel To Morocco?

All-in-all, Morocco was a pretty wild experience. So let's break this trip down for those going to Morocco as a digital nomad or maybe as a student in college:

Morocco is a great trip for someone who:

Has previous international experience

Likes the outdoors

Doesn't mind getting dirty

Has a sense of adventure

Ready for something exotic and out of the norm

Doesn't mind being out of their comfort zone

Likes to travel in groups

Maintains situational awareness

Isn't afraid to get lost

Doesn't mind simplicity

Knows how to negotiate

Feels fine adapting to a different cultures rules and regulations

Likes to study and speak different languages

Morocco is NOT a good trip for somone who:

X Would rather travel by themselves

X Wants a nightlife adventure

X Wants a cafe and coffee culture experience

X Wants to enjoy alcohol while on vacation

X Would rather dress-up for a nice dinner and evening out

X Doesn't like to be around wildlife and nature

X Is squeemish about getting lost

X Isn't comfortable coming out of a familiar zone

X Would rather have a full shopping experience

X Feels limited having to adabpt to a different culutre than the ones they're used to

X Doesn't like to study or speak different languages


Tips and Tricks: Traveling To Morocco

So, Morocco is definately not the place to be if you would be happier traveling solo or if you would much rather have a Western European way of life while traveling. If you are a woman traveling there with your girl friends, it is in my honest opinion that you need to be bringing, male counterparts with you. Traveling through Morocco as a woman (or man) without any company with you would be a huge mistake. Whether traveling to Morocco as a digital nomad or as a student, I would heavily advise you to be there with a group of people. Traveling or walking through cities by yourself will make you stick out like a sore thumb and you'll be an easy target for scammers, or worse. Morocco is known to have issues with harrassment towards women. Moroccan women are not spared the trouble and sadly, you will not be either (if you are a woman reading this). The best thing to do is to not engage, wearing a fake wedding ring would help and sometimes, blending in with the crowd, or not traveling their solo to begin with. Deserted alleys and the night, are not your friend, and do not venture alone, especially at night (more on that here).

For those of you determined to mark the Kingdom of Morocco, off of your bucket list-here are some tips and tricks you should remember when traveling:

  1. Only search and book flights on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, these days have the cheaper rates throughout the week.

  2. Book in advance, like months in advance, to get cheaper deals.

  3. Stop checking bags, learn how to 'Army roll" or "ranger roll" your belongings into only one or two carry-ons. Travel light!

  4. Stop traveling during the "holiday seasons" the prices are rigged.

  5. Travel when no body wants to, booking flights that are incrediby early in the morning-or extremely late at night, are usually the cheaper flights.

  6. Use google flights, sky scanner, or even apps like hopper to help you find the deals-but then book with the airline. Sometimes it's not possible to book the deal on the airline's website BUT it's best to check, in the event you need a refund.

  7. I always search for flights while utilizing a VPN, and while in incognito mode in the browser. There's been some debates about this, but a lot of times you can still find cheaper rates while searching this way.

  8. Book a hostel instead of a traditional hotel. Hostels can be a great substitute in place of a hotel when keeping on a serious budget, while still trying to enjoy your time-just make sure you bring your own lock and key...

  9. Ask yourself how much unnessary spending habits you have throughout the month. Are you continuasly purchasing from amazon? tiktok shop? etsy? Well, you should stop. The amount you're spending, could very well be a plane ticket to a new experience and adventure.


Recommended Tour Guides

Well-known tour guide services can be found here: Firebird Tours

Another one is: Experience It Tours

For a more "luxurious" or white-glove treatment experience consider this company: Jacada

It's my recommendation that you have tours set-up before getting to Morocco, that way it's with an actual company and not with someone trying to scam you. While you are in one of the major cities traveling around, you will see other people and businesses claiming to be tour guides.This scam is quite similar to the one where a ”friendly Moroccan” shows you the way to your hostel/hotel. The scammer pretends to be an official guide who is being paid by the tourism board of the city and offers to bring you on a tour (more on that here). So, It would be in your best interest to set it all up prior to arrival.


What Is A Digital Nomad?

While in Morocco as a digital nomad, the connectivity was never an issue for me. That is until you're in the middle of nowhere running through ancient ruins. My work was always done in the evening times, back in the hotel, so that worked out for me just fine.

If you are balling on a budget, going to Morocco as a digital nomad is far cheaper than going there on a student program through your college and having to pay thousands of dollars, but what is a digital nomad?

A digital nomad is not a slave to the traditional 9-5 clock and rat-race. We are considered the modern day wanderer and the "new rich". We are able to travel the world while getting paid. We do this by building online businesses and maintaining multiple streams of income. Now, that's what I help other people to do. My name is Kaylee, owner and founder of SWK, and I turn the cubicle captive into the jet-setting nomad! I'm able to live a life of exploration and wanderlust, as I help others to build their own online empires.

In order to help you build this online empire, SWK offers the following:

  • Building online businesses around your passions

  • Obtaining funding for your business

  • Proper business structure

  • Mastering SEO, marketing, and social media strategies

  • Creating websites and funneling systems that convert

  • Generating effective ad campaigns

  • Incorporating AI software for automation

  • Offering a comprehensive done-for-you service

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SuccessWithKaylee LLC is your one-stop shop for the skills you'll need to learn, in order to become a Digital Nomad. I take this job seriously, and I take great pride in being able to help others become free of a mediocre way of life. So you too can be happy and finally feel fulfilled. You'll be able to go anywhere at anytime you choose.

Because the only problem a digital nomad has...

Is deciding where to go next!

If you are serious about leaving the 9-5 grind, wanting to live life on your terms, wanting to travel the world, wanting more time with your children and family, having more money, and actually obtaining the freedom you desire..I hope you consider joining my membership, so I can help you! Learn to build these income streams with SWK and fire your boss.

I will see you on the other side of success.


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